Thursday, July 4, 2024

A wild update appears!

I'm back! Maybe! No promises!

OK, so I thought I would be able to write more in the past 6 months than I actually could. The good news is that the life event that was occupying all my brain space has abated to only occupying most of it. Which means that I will be easing my way back into board games, blog first. Mostly because my brain feels rusty and I need to get the words flowing so I can get back on my Ludology schedule (I dropped absolutely every obligation in May). 

With that in mind, here's a round-up of my board game related presence beyond this blog:

Thinking Beyond Mechanisms is a recurring monthly segment on Ludology.

Deadly Dowagers has made it to retail in the states and a German version is out.  

Monsters Love Vegas will be launching on kickstarter sometime this year. Give it a follow. 

My book, Thematic Integration in Board Game Design, is currently on sale for 20% off. But if you don't have Building Blocks of Tabletop Game Design yet, buy both to take advantage of Routledge's mid-year sale. If you've already acquired my book, leave a review of it somewhere. 

Upcoming cons: 

I'm not committed to any yet, but I'm most likely to be at or around ATX Protospiel, Tabletop Network, and BGGcon. I'm hoping to expand out to other cons as early as next year, but that remains to be seen. 

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